With my computer setting on fire over Christmas, I never had a chance to do a round up of the year and list my favourite birds of 2014. Although it's a month late, without further a do, here are the best birds from the year that was...
Narrowly missing out on the
top ten were the Great Spotted Cuckoo in Pembrokeshire back in March, the
White-winged Black Tern that dropped in at Cemlyn Bay and the Bridled Tern up
in the Farnes. The Farne islands were one of the best birding experiences I’ve
ever had and it was great to see the sea birds in abundance along with the
classic view of Puffins complete with sandeels in their beaks! Cattle Egret,
Ross’s Gull at Leighton Moss, the Black-winged Pratincole that gave us the run
around all summer and the male Red-breasted Flycatcher at Beachy Head, Sussex
were also all noteworthy additions and great to see.
Record shot of the White-winged Black Tern at Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey |
The Bridled Tern on the rocks by the Jetty upon landing on the Farne Islands |
Distant pic of the Cattle Egret living up to its name... |
The Red-breasted Flycatcher at Beachy Head was truly stunning |
Also deserving of a mention
was the Snow Goose up in Lancashire. Derived by some and nastily accused of being
“plastic” this bird was absolutely 100% legit and it managed to capture a spot
in my heart despite the haters….
Snow Goose! |
And now on to the best....
In 10th place for
the year was the ever-loved Ring-billed gull down at Gosport Marine Lake in
Hampshire. Returning for its remarkable 13th winter, this individual
provided close quarter views, offering me an opportunity to really admire his
plumage. Having dipped a first winter a couple of years back on an Asda roof in
Liverpool, it felt much better to catch up with this cracking adult bird instead.
"Waldo" as he is known.... I refuse to call him that! |
In 9th position
were the Cirl Buntings at Prawle Point in Devon. These deserve a mention as
this was my first solo birding visit ever (I always prefer to have some company) and
it was great to find them on the Clifftop fields with very few people around. Showing
well, I timed it just right – ten minutes later a Sparrowhawk dived after the
flock which scattered and weren’t seen again!
The Cirl Buntings were little beauties |
Coming up in 8th
was the Wryneck seen at Spurn during the Autumn. Having never seen one, this
was a key target for the year and when told there was one showing really well
just down the road whilst we were searching for a Barred Warbler, we legged it
down. After giving us the run around for ten minutes, it eventually flew out of
the nearby garden and perched in the hedge right in front of me – breath-taking
views and great to finally nail one!
7th place belongs
to the drake King Eider (affectionately known as ‘Kingy’) up in the Ythan
Estuary near Aberdeen. Flying up to Scotland for the weekend this was a
completely relaxed long-distance twitch – a complete change to the usual far
away goodies. ‘Chequebook Birding’ it may be to some, but this was one of my
favourite twitches to date, with the drake showing really well on the sand in
front of us for the couple of hours we were there. Complete with the absolutely
hundreds of close in Common Eiders, seals, terns and waders, this will be a
twitch that will remain firmly in the memory.
Kingy chillin' on the beach |
6th place for the
year was the Parrot Crossbills at Budby Common right at the start of the year.
Arriving as part of an influx, we tracked them down to a tree amongst the
heathland. I definitely wasn’t expecting what happened next, as the whole flock
of birds landed in the group of trees underneath where I was standing,
proceeding to flit almost over my head at eye level, completely surround me,
with many even going as far as to take drinks from the puddle in which I was
standing. This went on for a good ten minutes, and was a truly amazing birding
experience I will never forget.
The Parrot Crossbills provided a great start to 2014 |
In 5th position was
the absolutely majestic White-tailed Sea Eagle on Mull from our long weekend up
there at the beginning of June. Having never been before it was fantastic to
see the wildlife up there – Corncrakes, Mountain Hares and Golden Eagles all
adding to the magic. Arriving at a well known eagle car park in front of a
favourite perch tree by the loch, we were disappointingly told the eagle had
just flown off. However, no more than two minute later I turned to see a huge
shape soaring low down over the car park to our right, gliding effortlessly
along and back in to the tree all the scopes were trained on. A truly amazing
and breath-taking sight, and one of my favourite in birding.
Showing just how huge the wingspan actually is |
4th place for the
year goes to the Surf Scoters at Pensarn back at the end of January. Having
failed to connect with these for FOUR winters, it was about time I broke the
curse of the Surf Scoter. Having been promised views by a certain individual who
failed to deliver (TWICE!) I went with my Dad on the third attempt of the New
Year, in perfect calm and bright conditions. A local birder from Chester
managed to find two drakes and got me on them – and just like that the curse
was broken – Surf Scoter – FINALLY!! I even managed to pick them out and show
them to someone else myself later in the afternoon!
The dreadful view of distant scoters in the scope... |
In bronze position (somewhat
ironically given the name) and 3rd in the best birds of the year was
the majestic Golden Pheasant at the Wolferton Triangle just before Christmas.
Arriving in the pitch black ready for a dawn vigil on the quiet Norfolk Lane,
it was looking bleak until 9am when we spotted him at the side of the road
feeding on the seed we had laid out the previous night. Relief – he was there!!
Showing right in front of us for 10 minutes, it was great to see him in all his
fiery glory – a real high!
He was there. |
The runner up and achieving
second place was the brilliant Shore Lark that rocked up at Rossall Point in
Lancs for the winter. Having wanted to see one since my childhood and with it
being my ‘most needed bird’ according to BUBO, nothing was going to stop me,
and within minutes of arriving we were enjoying views of this charming little
horned wonder on the shingle beach in front of us. A long anticipated bird and
one that was well worth the wait!
Shore Lark!!!! |
Claiming the top spot and the
unquestionable bird of the year without a shadow of a doubt was the remarkable
Short-toed Eagle in Dorset. The first twitchable mainland bird ever coupled
with the individual in question going to roost in a pine tree on the day it was
found meant an overnight drive down to Morden Bog in Dorset and me arriving at
the car park at around 4am. Approaching the site in the dense mist, seeing the
silent figures of a steady line of twitchers all heading to the ridge had a
complete air of magic about it, and is something I will never forget. With
daylight revealing the shape of the bird in its pine tree as the mist slowly
cleared, the views got better and better throughout the morning, with the bird
remaining sat until around 11:30am when it eventually alighted and displayed
its magnificent wingspan for the assembled crowd to admire, before disappearing
off in to the distance. If this bird hadn’t been relocated in Hampshire (and
later Sussex) and become twitchable for the best part of a month, then this
would truly have had the potential to be one of the all-time greats and one of
the best British birds of all time.
The magnificent eagle |
Waiting for the mist to clear |
The Eagle crowd - this photo really doesn't portray just how many people were there! |
My international bird of the
year was without doubt the Wallcreeper in the high Pyrenees. The ultimate
birding highlight to date and in the breath-takingly beautiful settings of the
Spanish mountains, we were incredibly lucky to track down a male that had set
up home on the rock face in mid-April. After a scenic treck along the mountain
trail we arrived at the cliff face, and before long Chris had spotted the bird
flying across the rocks, leaving that magnificent call of in its wake. After another fly-by, we
located the bird further on, busy feeding on the rocks and affording amazing
views relatively low down in front of us. We watched in awe for a good 20
minutes as the bird went about its business, often showing off the amazing
crimson butterfly-like wing patterns and admiring the remarkable long curved
bill. In such beautiful surroundings and with an accompanying cast of
Lammergeiers, Griffon Vultures and Rock Buntings amid the stunning settings of
crystal clear rivers and waterfalls, pure white snow and delicate alpine flora,
this was one of the best days birding ever and will stick in the memory for
years to come.
The Wallcreeper - best bird I have ever seen! |
Lammergeier! |
Griffon Vulture |
Rock Bunting |
Absolutely beautiful view in the Pyrenees |
A perfect trip |
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